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A nation that continues year after year | Martin Luther King Jr. | Centu...

A nation that continues year after year | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Solved Exercise Sub Hain Khas Class 3 Urdu Lesson 5 | Basic Education

Solved Exercise Sub Hain Khas Class 3 Urdu Lesson 5 | Basic Education

Saturday, June 22, 2024

We must build dikes of courage to hold | Martin Luther King Jr. | Centu...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote, "We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear," uses a powerful metaphor to convey a deep message about overcoming fear through courage.

- **Dikes**: These are barriers or structures built to prevent the overflow of water from a river or sea. They protect land and people from being flooded.
- **Courage**: This represents strength, bravery, and the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, or adversity.
- **Flood of Fear**: Fear is compared to a flood, suggesting that it can be overwhelming and destructive if not controlled.

King's message is that just as dikes are constructed to prevent flooding and protect land, people need to develop and strengthen their courage to prevent fear from overwhelming them. He emphasizes that fear can be pervasive and damaging, but with enough courage, it can be kept at bay. This metaphorical "construction of courage" is necessary for individuals and communities to face challenges and stand up for justice, equality, and civil rights, which were central themes in King's life and work.

Sub Hain Khas Class 3 Urdu Lesson 5 | سب ہیں خاص | Basic Education

Sub Hain Khas Class 3 Urdu Lesson 5 | سب ہیں خاص | Basic Education

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Naghani aafati aur Hadsat se Bachne ki Dua | ناگہانی آفات سے بچنے کی دعا...

ناگہانی آفات سے بچنے کی دعا

Basic Education,Naghani aafati aur Hadsat se Bachne ki Dua,naghani aafat,naghani,afat se bachao,afat,hadsat se bachne ki dua,hadsat se bachao,hadsat se bachne ka wazifa,Naghani afat Aur hadisat Se Bachne Ki Dua,ناگہانی آفات ...,ناگہانی آفات,ناگہانی آفات سے بچنے کی دعا,dua,masnoon dua,دعا,nuksan se bachne ki dua,nuksan se bachao,Allah ka karam,Allah ki rehmat,special dua

Monday, May 20, 2024

We may have all come on different ships | Martin Luther King Jr. | Centu...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote, "We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now," is a powerful metaphor that underscores the idea of unity and shared destiny among people, regardless of their diverse origins. Here's a breakdown of the meaning: 1. Different Ships: This part of the quote symbolizes the varied backgrounds, experiences, and histories of individuals. It acknowledges that people come from different places, cultures, and life circumstances. In a historical context, it also alludes to the transatlantic slave trade, where African ancestors were brought to America on different ships, and to the diverse immigration experiences of people coming to America. 2. Same Boat: This signifies the present condition where everyone, despite their different pasts, is now part of the same society. It emphasizes that all individuals share a common present and future. In this context, "boat" symbolizes a shared journey, collective challenges, and mutual responsibilities. 3. Unity and Solidarity: The quote calls for solidarity and unity. It suggests that in the face of current challenges, such as social injustice, racial discrimination, or any collective struggle, it is crucial for people to stand together and support one another. It reinforces the idea that cooperation and mutual understanding are essential for progress and harmony. 4. Shared Responsibility: By highlighting that we are all in the same boat, King underscores that everyone's actions affect the collective well-being. It suggests that solving societal problems requires collective effort and that we all have a role to play in shaping a just and equitable society. Overall, Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote is a call for unity, urging people to recognize their interconnectedness and work together towards common goals, regardless of their different backgrounds..

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Love is the only force capable | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

Martin Luther King Jr.'s statement, "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend," emphasizes the power of love and compassion in overcoming hatred and enmity. Here's an explanation of the quote's meaning:

1. Power of Love: King highlights love as a transformative force. Unlike hatred or violence, which only perpetuate conflict and hostility, love has the unique ability to change hearts and minds.

2. Transformation Process: When King speaks of transforming an enemy into a friend, he suggests that love can break down barriers of misunderstanding, prejudice, and resentment. By approaching others with empathy and kindness, it's possible to foster understanding and reconciliation.

3. Nonviolent Philosophy: This quote aligns with King's broader philosophy of nonviolence. He believed that nonviolent resistance, grounded in love and respect for all individuals, was the most effective way to achieve social justice and equality.

4. Practical Application
In practical terms, King's message encourages us to respond to hostility with patience and compassion, rather than aggression. By doing so, we can create opportunities for dialogue and mutual respect, ultimately leading to more harmonious relationships.

In summary, Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote underscores the idea that love, not hate, has the power to heal divisions and foster genuine connections between people. It reflects his deep commitment to nonviolence and his belief in the moral and practical superiority of love as a tool for social change.

Friday, May 17, 2024

We are not makers of history | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

Martin Luther King Jr.'s statement, "We are not makers of history; we are made by history," conveys the idea that individuals and societies are profoundly influenced by historical events and contexts. Here’s a breakdown of the meaning: 1. Historical Influence: King suggests that the events, circumstances, and conditions of the past shape who we are as individuals and as a society. Our identities, beliefs, and actions are largely molded by the historical context we find ourselves in. 2. Interconnectedness: This statement emphasizes the interconnectedness between past and present. It implies that our present realities are the products of historical processes and decisions, highlighting the importance of understanding history to grasp the present fully. 3. Humility and Continuity: By stating "we are not makers of history," King might also be stressing humility. It suggests that while individuals can make significant contributions, they do so within the broader currents of history that they do not control entirely. 4. Responsibility to History: Although we are shaped by history, there is also an implicit call to be aware of this shaping process. Understanding how history has formed us can help us make more informed and ethical choices moving forward. In essence, King is reminding us that our current actions and identities are deeply rooted in historical contexts, and recognizing this can help us navigate the present and future more wisely.

Sawab hi Sawab | Basic Education

Swab hi Swab

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A genuine leader is not a | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote encapsulates his philosophy on leadership. He believed that true leaders don't merely seek to conform to popular opinion or consensus but rather shape and mold it. In other words, a leader should have the courage and vision to stand for what they believe is right, even if it's not the most popular or widely accepted view at the time. Instead of passively following the crowd, a true leader takes initiative to guide and influence others towards a common goal or vision, even if it means challenging the status quo or facing resistance. King's own leadership during the civil rights movement exemplified this principle, as he fearlessly advocated for equality and justice despite facing opposition and adversity.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dua e Gause Azam | Basic Education

Dua e Gause Azam

Freedom is never voluntarily given | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Qu...

This quote by Martin Luther King Jr. encapsulates a fundamental principle of social justice and civil rights movements. King was a prominent leader in the American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s, advocating for racial equality and an end to segregation and discrimination.

In this quote, King is expressing the idea that those who hold power and oppress others are unlikely to relinquish that power willingly. Freedom and justice are not typically granted out of the goodness of the oppressor's heart; instead, they must be actively pursued and demanded by those who are oppressed.

By saying "it must be demanded by the oppressed," King emphasizes the importance of marginalized communities organizing, protesting, and advocating for their rights. He believed in the power of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience as effective means to demand change and challenge systems of oppression.

Overall, this quote highlights the necessity of collective action and the agency of oppressed people in the struggle for freedom and equality. It underscores the idea that progress is often achieved through struggle and perseverance in the face of resistance from those in power.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ultimate tragedy is not the oppression | Martin Luther King Jr. | Centur...

Martin Luther King Jr. is highlighting a profound truth about the nature of injustice and tragedy in society. He suggests that while oppression and cruelty by those who do wrong are certainly tragic, the ultimate tragedy lies in the silence and inaction of good people in the face of such injustices. 

In essence, King is emphasizing the moral responsibility of individuals to speak out against injustice and to take action to address it. When good people remain silent or passive in the face of wrongdoing, they allow oppression to continue unchecked, perpetuating suffering and injustice. By speaking out and actively opposing injustice, King argues, good people can help to bring about positive change and prevent further tragedy.

These words will keep you away from diseases like Madness, Blindness, Pa...

These words will keep you away from diseases like Madness, Blindness, Paralysis

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Darkness cannot drive out darkness | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Qu...

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. expressed a powerful message with this quote. He believed that combating negativity with negativity only perpetuates a cycle of darkness and hate. Instead, he advocated for responding to darkness and hate with light and love. Essentially, he was emphasizing the importance of using positive and constructive actions, such as understanding, compassion, and love, to overcome negativity and hatred in the world. It's a call to action for peace, unity, and understanding as the means to bring about positive change in society.

Isme Azam | Basic Education

Isme Azam | Basic Education

Monday, May 6, 2024

I have a dream that | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

I have a dream that | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Friday, April 19, 2024

Ten Conditions of Taqwa | خوفِ خدا | Basic Education

Ten Conditions of Taqwa | خوفِ خدا | Basic Education

تقویٰ (Taqwa) ایک عربی لفظ ہے جس کا مطلب اردو میں "خوفِ خدا" یا "خوفِ الٰہی" ہوتا ہے۔ تقویٰ کا مفہوم یہ ہے کہ انسان خدا کا خوف دل میں رکھے، اس کی ہدایات پر عمل کرے، اور غلط کاموں سے بچنے کی کوشش کرے۔ تقویٰ کا تعلق دل کی پاکیزگی، ایمانی اور روحانی حالت سے ہے جس کی وجہ سے انسان اچھے کام کرتا ہے اور بُرائیوں سے بچتا ہے۔

We must learn to live together | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

We must learn to live together | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools

In the quote "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools," Martin Luther King Jr. is emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation among people. He suggests that if we want to survive and thrive as a society, we must learn to live in harmony with one another, treating each other with respect and kindness, like family. 

If we fail to do so and instead allow division, hatred, and conflict to dominate, we risk destruction—both as individuals and as a collective. King is highlighting the urgency and necessity of working together to achieve peace and understanding. His message is a call for mutual respect and collaboration as a path toward a better, more equitable future for all.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Teesray Ashray ki Dua | 3rd Ashra Dua | Basic Education

Teesray Ashray ki Dua | 3rd Ashra Dua | Basic Education

Basic Education, teesray ashray ki dua, teesra ashra ki dua, 3r ashra dua, shorts, ramadan kareem, last ashra dua, third ashra dua, ramadan 3rd ashra dua, akhri ashra ki dua, dua for 3rd ashra, dua teesra ashra, jahannum say azadi ki dua, jahannum say nijat ki dua, dua 3rd ashra

Friday, March 29, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Procedure to obtain BSc Equivalency on DHMS Diploma on FA/BA Base

 میٹرک سائنس کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر ایف ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ

Procedure to obtain FSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on Matric Science Base https://youtu.be/HvL7aKJhIEk ایف اے کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر ایف ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ Procedure to obtain FSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on FA Base https://youtu.be/zQQxUCw5NNo ایف اے اور بی اے کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر بی ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ Procedure to obtain BSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on FA/BA Base https://youtu.be/e5J-9FpfleA

Friday, January 26, 2024

How to Obtain FSc Equivalency on DHMS Diploma on FA Base | Homeopathy

How to Obtain FSc Equivalency on DHMS Diploma on FA Base | Homeopathy

میٹرک سائنس کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر ایف ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ
Procedure to obtain FSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on Matric Science Base

ایف اے کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر ایف ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ
Procedure to obtain FSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on FA Base

ایف اے اور بی اے کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر بی ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ
Procedure to obtain BSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on FA/BA Base

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How to Obtain FSc Equivalency on DHMS Diploma on Matric Science | ایف ای...

میٹرک سائنس کی بنیاد پر ہومیوپیتھک ڈپلومہ پر ایف ایس سی ہومیوپیتھی ایکویلنس لینے کا طریقہ
Procedure to obtain FSc Equivalence on DHMS Diploma on Matric Science Base

Friday, January 5, 2024

Common sense is the collection of prejudices | Albert Einstein Century Q...

Common sense is the collection of prejudices | Albert Einstein Century Q...

Finding a Percentage Part of a Whole | Chapter 7 Lesson 2 | Class 5 Oxford Syllabus


Finding a Percentage Part of a Whole | Chapter 7 Lesson 2 | Class 5 Oxford Syllabus | Basic Education #findingapercentagepartofawhole #class5math #chapter7lesson2 #oxfordsyllabus You may visit @FlavoryFood to learn cooking. You may be interested in quotes by wise and famous people then join @CenturyQuotes If you want to learn and earn online methods then join @21stMentorQasim Don't forget to like & share the video and joint our educational channel @BasicEducation Thanks for watching. Basic Education,finding a percentage part of a whole,how to find percentage,class 5 math,primary mathematics,oxford syllabus,chapter 7 lesson 2,solved questions,solved exercise,solution chapter 7,solution lesson 2,percentage of a whole,math class 5,math 5th class,aps syllabus,class 5 aps syllabus,learn math free