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More often there's a compromise between ethics | Peter Singer | Century ...

More often there's  a  compromise  between ethics and expediency

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ultimate tragedy is not the oppression | Martin Luther King Jr. | Centur...

Martin Luther King Jr. is highlighting a profound truth about the nature of injustice and tragedy in society. He suggests that while oppression and cruelty by those who do wrong are certainly tragic, the ultimate tragedy lies in the silence and inaction of good people in the face of such injustices. 

In essence, King is emphasizing the moral responsibility of individuals to speak out against injustice and to take action to address it. When good people remain silent or passive in the face of wrongdoing, they allow oppression to continue unchecked, perpetuating suffering and injustice. By speaking out and actively opposing injustice, King argues, good people can help to bring about positive change and prevent further tragedy.

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