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Dua to Adopt Good Deeds | Basic Education

Dua to Adopt Good Deeds | Basic Education

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dua e Gause Azam | Basic Education

Dua e Gause Azam

Freedom is never voluntarily given | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Qu...

This quote by Martin Luther King Jr. encapsulates a fundamental principle of social justice and civil rights movements. King was a prominent leader in the American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s, advocating for racial equality and an end to segregation and discrimination.

In this quote, King is expressing the idea that those who hold power and oppress others are unlikely to relinquish that power willingly. Freedom and justice are not typically granted out of the goodness of the oppressor's heart; instead, they must be actively pursued and demanded by those who are oppressed.

By saying "it must be demanded by the oppressed," King emphasizes the importance of marginalized communities organizing, protesting, and advocating for their rights. He believed in the power of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience as effective means to demand change and challenge systems of oppression.

Overall, this quote highlights the necessity of collective action and the agency of oppressed people in the struggle for freedom and equality. It underscores the idea that progress is often achieved through struggle and perseverance in the face of resistance from those in power.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ultimate tragedy is not the oppression | Martin Luther King Jr. | Centur...

Martin Luther King Jr. is highlighting a profound truth about the nature of injustice and tragedy in society. He suggests that while oppression and cruelty by those who do wrong are certainly tragic, the ultimate tragedy lies in the silence and inaction of good people in the face of such injustices. 

In essence, King is emphasizing the moral responsibility of individuals to speak out against injustice and to take action to address it. When good people remain silent or passive in the face of wrongdoing, they allow oppression to continue unchecked, perpetuating suffering and injustice. By speaking out and actively opposing injustice, King argues, good people can help to bring about positive change and prevent further tragedy.

These words will keep you away from diseases like Madness, Blindness, Pa...

These words will keep you away from diseases like Madness, Blindness, Paralysis

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Darkness cannot drive out darkness | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Qu...

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. expressed a powerful message with this quote. He believed that combating negativity with negativity only perpetuates a cycle of darkness and hate. Instead, he advocated for responding to darkness and hate with light and love. Essentially, he was emphasizing the importance of using positive and constructive actions, such as understanding, compassion, and love, to overcome negativity and hatred in the world. It's a call to action for peace, unity, and understanding as the means to bring about positive change in society.

Isme Azam | Basic Education

Isme Azam | Basic Education

Monday, May 6, 2024

I have a dream that | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

I have a dream that | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Friday, April 19, 2024

Ten Conditions of Taqwa | خوفِ خدا | Basic Education

Ten Conditions of Taqwa | خوفِ خدا | Basic Education

تقویٰ (Taqwa) ایک عربی لفظ ہے جس کا مطلب اردو میں "خوفِ خدا" یا "خوفِ الٰہی" ہوتا ہے۔ تقویٰ کا مفہوم یہ ہے کہ انسان خدا کا خوف دل میں رکھے، اس کی ہدایات پر عمل کرے، اور غلط کاموں سے بچنے کی کوشش کرے۔ تقویٰ کا تعلق دل کی پاکیزگی، ایمانی اور روحانی حالت سے ہے جس کی وجہ سے انسان اچھے کام کرتا ہے اور بُرائیوں سے بچتا ہے۔

We must learn to live together | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

We must learn to live together | Martin Luther King Jr. | Century Quotes

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools

In the quote "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools," Martin Luther King Jr. is emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation among people. He suggests that if we want to survive and thrive as a society, we must learn to live in harmony with one another, treating each other with respect and kindness, like family. 

If we fail to do so and instead allow division, hatred, and conflict to dominate, we risk destruction—both as individuals and as a collective. King is highlighting the urgency and necessity of working together to achieve peace and understanding. His message is a call for mutual respect and collaboration as a path toward a better, more equitable future for all.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Teesray Ashray ki Dua | 3rd Ashra Dua | Basic Education

Teesray Ashray ki Dua | 3rd Ashra Dua | Basic Education

Basic Education, teesray ashray ki dua, teesra ashra ki dua, 3r ashra dua, shorts, ramadan kareem, last ashra dua, third ashra dua, ramadan 3rd ashra dua, akhri ashra ki dua, dua for 3rd ashra, dua teesra ashra, jahannum say azadi ki dua, jahannum say nijat ki dua, dua 3rd ashra

Friday, March 29, 2024