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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Frozen Strawberry Banana Milk Shake at Home in 3 Minutes - Milkshake Recipe

How to Make Frozen Strawberry Banana Milk Shake at Home in 3 Minutes - Milkshake Recipe


1 Cup / small bowl of Frozen Strawberries (You may use Fresh Ripe Strawberries – in this case add some ice too)
2 Banana (fresh or frozen)
1 Glass Milk
1/6 Glass water (in small quantity for mixing/blending)
2-3 Tablespoon or to Your Taste Sugar

Frozen Strawberry Banana Milkshake Quick Recipe 

1. Put 1 bowl of chopped frozen strawberries in blender or mixer grinder
2. And put 2 or 3 chopped bananas
3. Add 2 to 3 tablespoon sugar and some water for better mixing
4. Blend the ingredients to have a shape like smoothie
5. Pour 1 glass of milk at the end and blend for 5 seconds only.
6. No need to add ice as we used frozen strawberries and already cooled milk

Tip: You may add few spoons of cream or ice cream to add more taste

One or two glasses of this Frozen Strawberry Banana Milkshake would be ample for the daily need of calcium and vitamin C for an average adult.
Watch this video to learn how to make deliciously rich and delicious strawberry banana shake with milk.

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